Place of Birth: Albany, New York
Date of Birth: February 17, 1978
Ethnicity: English, Scottish, distant German, Welsh, Dutch
Ashton Holmes is an American actor.
Ashton is a ninth cousin of English actor Sam Claflin, through Ashton’s maternal grandmother. Daniel Claflin and Sarah Edwards were the eight times great-grandparents of both Ashton and Sam.
Ashton’s maternal grandparents are Alfred Randall Heath, Jr. (the son of Alfred Randall Heath and Florence Orr) and Barbara Claflin (the daughter of Allan Avery Claflin and Marion Dorothea Carroll). Dorothea was the daughter of Royal Phelps Carroll and Marion Dorothea Langdon.
Marion Langdon’s great-grandfather was John Jacob Astor (Johann Jakob Astor), the famous German-born American businessman. John was therefore Ashton’s great-great-great-great-great-grandfather.
Ashton is also a descendant of Scottish-born colonial official Robert Livingston the Elder and of Dutch-born New York mayor/governor Wilhelmus Beekman.
Sources: Genealogy of Ashton’s maternal grandmother, Barbara Claflin –
Genealogy of Ashton’s maternal great-great-grandmother, Marion Dorothea Langdon –
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